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• Django coding style
• Using IDE for Django web development• Django project structure• Best practices—using version control• Django rescue team (where to ask Django questions)• Faster web development—using Twitter-Bootstrap$ django-admin.py startproject django_mytweets
manage.py: This is utility script is used to manage our project. You can think of it as your project's version of django-admin.py. Actually, both django-admin.py and manage.py share the same backend code.
settings.py 参数说明:
THIRD_PARTY_APPS: This parameter contains other application likeSocialAuth used for social authentication
LOCAL_APPS: This parameter contains the applications that arecreated by you
Let's take a look at the following commands and their uses(git常用命令):
You will get a message informing you that you have switched to the new branch. If you want to switch back to the old branch, you can use the following command:
$git checkout <old-branch-name>: You will see the message Switched to branch <old-branch-name>.
$git merge <branch-name>: After the feature is complete, you can merge it to the branch of your choice using this command. This will merge the
branch <branch-name> to your current branch. To sync the changes back tothe <branch-name>, you can check out from your current branch to thebranch <branch-name> and merge again. You can also mark the important points in your commit history by using tags.After the commit, you can tag an important commit by using the $git tag-a v1.0 command.
To get new changes from the remote server, you can fetch the changes from Git using the $git fetch command.
To merge the changes directly to your current branch, you can use the $git pull command.
After you are done with your changes, you can commit and push them to the remote repository using the $git push command.
$ python3 manage.py runserver 8080